Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today is Blog Action Day 08 and this year's topic is poverty. Poverty is a difficult problem this world faces, especially to those who experiance it. Even if you don't experience poverty, poverty is all around us and is visible in its various forms. I myself don't suffer from poverty, however I still witness it in various places I have been to, some being quite near my home. In fact, just recently my church went on a trip to Hilda's Place which is a center for homeless people. It houses the people for the night, and feeds them. I personally, as well as many others, have helped creating many sandwiches to help support these people. Poverty is all around us, and there is much that anybody can do to help those who suffer from poverty. Maybe next time you see someone in need of help, you can hand them a giftcard of some sort. Perhaps you can help support a service that is attempting the assist the poor. There are many little things that can be done to help those that suffer from poverty.

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